Blake Prize people’s choice; exhibition closes Saturday
Sep 29th

Above and Beyond, by Janine Mackintosh; eucalyptus cyanophylla leaves, linen thread and book binders' gum on canvas. Courtesy of the artist. Photograph by Stephen Cavanagh
Artist Janine Mackintosh has won the People’s Choice award in this year’s Blake Prize for the religious and spiritual in art.
The work is titled Above and Beyond, and is made of gum leaves.
There’s not much time left to see the Blake, which closes on Saturday (October 2) at the National Art School Gallery in Darlinghurst. It then goes on tour.
Elizabeth Fortescue, September 29, 2010
Just in: Pictures of Peter Kingston’s Toast-rack tram
Sep 17th
Peter Kingston has just sent me these images of one of his artworks. The piece is a quaint and nostalgic toast-rack tram, heading for Bondi with a smattering of cartoon and real-life characters on board.
Peter has long been a champion for the retention of Sydney’s architectural and maritime history. As such, he is a lover of the trams which once rumbled up and down the city’s main streets and took thousands of commuters in and out of the suburbs.
Here, he has recreated one of the trams in all its glory.
“It lights up and contains Sydney eccentrics – Bea Miles, Mr Eternity, Ginger Meggs and his monkey, the White Man, the Trolley Man, Boofhead and the little Fan Man,” Peter said.
Please enjoy these pictures.
Elizabeth Fortescue, September 17, 2010
New Charles Blackman Photographs, exclusive to Artwriter
Sep 15th
These rare photographs of Charles Blackman and his first wife, Barbara Blackman, were sent to me this week by their son Auguste Blackman, who gave me permission to publish them on my website.
The photographs were taken by Auguste at the Blackman Hotel in Melbourne this month, the day after the hotel’s official opening at which Charles, 82, had been the star attraction.
The photographs show Charles and Barbara sharing breakfast in the hotel.
One of the pictures shows Charles Blackman with his daughter Bertie Blackman.
My thanks to Auguste for permission to use these delightful and intimate family snapshots.
Elizabeth Fortescue, September 15, 2010